sapre_upload" />

SAPRE Upload

Model API name: sapre_upload

The SPENVIS orbit generator computes trajectory osculatory orbital elements using a numerical Runge-Kutta integration method. The independent variable is the eccentric anomaly. Osculatory elements are computed at constant equidistant eccentric anomaly steps. Orbits around three planets are currenly available.

Version: v1

Model developer:

Model provision:

Model example

from nom_client.utils.file_util import read_file_into_array

from nom_client.nom_client import NoMClient

conf = {
    "servers": {
        "ext_rest_server": {
            "type": "rest",
            "server_addr": "",
            "api_version": "api",
            "api_key": ""

nom_client = NoMClient("sapre_upload example", client_configuration=conf, default_server_id="local_server")

trajectory_file = read_file_into_array(file_name='sapre_upload.csv')

sapre_model_upload = nom_client.get_model('sapre_upload')

sapre_model_upload_result = nom_client.run_model(sapre_model_upload)

a_model = nom_client.get_model('ae8ap8')
a_model.set_external_input(external_input_name="trajectory", external_input=sapre_model_upload_result)


The content is the sapre_upload.csv is as follows:

* Geocentric trajectory of Rosetta's first Earth flyby.
* Taken from:
Title: Rosetta first Earth flyby
Planet: Earth
Coordinates: GEI
Columns: JDCT, X, Y, Z
Format: CSV
2453427.500,   -2358221.228,   552722.0993,   98289.65571
2453427.507,   -2355913.806,   552192.5571,   98201.38984
2453427.514,   -2353606.41,    551663.0371,   98113.13659
2453427.521,   -2351299.04,    551133.5394,   98024.89595
2453427.528,   -2348991.695,   550604.0639,   97936.6679
2453427.535,   -2346684.375,   550074.6106,   97848.45244

Model references

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