Developing and adding models to NoM

The NoM Client can be used to run local models by including a local_server configuration to the NoM configuration file. This local_server configuration entry can be in addition to the configurations you may have pointing to external NoM Server instances.

Note: Running models using the local_server configuration does not require the use or connection to any other NoM server.

conf = {
        "servers": {
            "local_server": {
                "type": "local_server",
                "models_directory": "<PATH TO NOM MODELS DIRECTORY>",
                "working_directory": "<PATH TO WORKING DIRECTORY>"
            "ext_dev_rest_server": {
                "type": "rest",
                "server_addr": "",
                "api_version": "api",
                "api_key": "<API KEY>"
NoM Models directory

The NoM models directory can be placed anywhere accessible on the filesystem.

This directory contains sub-directories containing the individual model packages.

Within each model package directory, one or more versions of the model can be placed. The latest version should be post-fixed with '.latest'.

Within each version directory, there needs to be:

  • model specification
  • model directory containing the platform specific model code
  • optional data directory

Within the model directory, subdirectories referring to the particular platforms need to be present. Not all platforms need to be present. THe following platforms are supported.

  • linux
  • win
  • macos

An example, third-party C++ model can be found here.
An example, third-party python model can be found here.

Models that run within the NoM framework consist of either a model binary file, or a python model script. In addition to the runnable code, a python module for the model implementation needs to be supplied. This model implementation file should implement the ModelImplementation interface.

Optionally, a python module for the results processing can be supplied, implementing the OutputReader interface as defined by ...

Creating a model specification

  "meta": {
    "version": "v1",
    "model_name": "thirdparty-model-example",
  "system": {
    "location": "{{CONFIG::NOM_MODEL_BINARY_DIR}}",
    "binary": "thirdparty-model-example",
    "model_provider_class": "ThirdpartyModelImplementation",
    "model_provider_location": "{{CONFIG::NOM_MODEL_BINARY_DIR}}/"
  "inputs": [
  "outputs": [

Running the model

When the model is run through the NoM Client, the model inputs along with other context data is made available to the model implementation code.

class ModelImplementation:
    Model implementation base class.

    def run(self, **kwargs):

        model_inputs = None

        if "run_context" in kwargs:
            run_context = kwargs["run_context"]
            model_inputs = run_context.model_inputs
            run_context = None

        if "working_directory" in kwargs:
            working_directory = kwargs["working_directory"]
            working_directory = None

        model_inputs = run_context.model_inputs
        # Get the results from the model input group named 'mymodel' (as defined in the model specification)
        model_inputs = model_inputs["mymodel"]

        # Create a unique name for use in any output files
        run_context.run_tag = run_context.username + '_' + run_context.project_name + '_' + run_context.tag


        # run the model


Returning the results from a model

For each result defined within the outputs section of the model specification, a ModelResult needs to be created. Using a formatted results dictionary (below), the OutputReader.create_results can be used to create the the ModelResult for each.

    "model-name": {
        "data": {
            "column1": [...],
            "column2": [...],
            "columnN": [...]
        "meta": ...

model_results = OutputReader.create_results(results_in=return_data, run_context=run_context)

msr = ModelRun(run_context=run_context,
                           message="Model run successful")

return msr

Note: if the model has failed you can return a failed model run:

msr = ModelRun(run_context=run_context,
                           message="Model failed .. reason")

return msr

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